Buonasera cari lettori, vi voglio
proporre quest'interessante lista di cose che dobbiamo (o dovevamo) sapere
quando nella nostra giovinezza ci proiettiamo verso gli obbiettivi per il
nostro futuro. E' in inglese la lista:
Manage your life’s project.
Your life is the most important and most
exciting project you’ll ever undertake. Treat it that way. Make sure you give
your career the attention and care that it needs and deserves. As with any big
project, think big and be bold. Be disciplined. Whatever your career ambition,
approach your next steps like a project plan. Set a clear direction but break
down the project into manageable pieces. Make an inventory of your personal
network, and identify companies or programs that interest you. Set a goal for how
many action items you accomplish each day, whether it’s attending a recruiting
event, talking with an advisor or mentor, or submitting applications. Most
importantly, document, track, and celebrate your progress in order to sustain
your motivation.
Get to know the world you want to enter.
You may be confident of your intellectual
capacity, but knowing the environment you’re targeting is crucial for getting
ahead. Always be prepared to discuss the latest relevant news and events, and
know where you stand on the issues. Even if your network is modest, as mine was
in my early twenties, you can still seek out opportunities to connect with
people whose knowledge and experience can aid in your future planning. People
like helping others, and you may be able to return the favor one day.
Having the right insights under your belt
will also increase your comfort level when you walk into an interview. Hiring
managers, who may initially perceive lack of experience as a risk, will value a
candidate who demonstrates a keen interest and understanding of their business.
Don’t leave out the best part of a resume.
I’ve seen myriad resumes that read like
laundry lists of activities. Too often the most compelling information is
missing: measurable results. What have been the tangible outcomes of your
academic, work, and extracurricular pursuits thus far? Describe not only your
activities, but what you achieved and make clear that while you are prepared to
expend considerable effort, you appreciate that in the end an employer is
really looking for results.
Know how to answer these three questions.
I always enjoy the enthusiasm and fresh
perspectives that young adults often bring to a conversation. When it comes to
an interview, though, I am especially critical of how candidates of all ages
navigate these three questions: who are you, what are you looking for, and what
do you have to offer? I don’t ask these explicitly, but they are the underlying
themes of the exchange. So bear in mind that seemingly innocuous questions such
as “tell me about yourself” are actually, “why are you the ideal candidate for
this opportunity?” The best answers are honest, confident, and concise.
Prepare to negotiate.
The easiest way to determine your
deal-breakers, such as salary or location, is to weigh the “what if’s” in your
future scenarios. Few of us land our dream job on the first day, so establish a
clear idea of your must-haves as well as the negotiating chips with which you
have to work. Does an offer include good mentoring potential? Growth potential?
Opportunity to develop skills to parlay into a better situation down the road? If the offer requires
too much compromise, be prepared to walk away.
Be open to the
This is the most
important lesson. Even if you
feel a strong calling in one direction, leave yourself open to new
opportunities and influences. Whether it’s a new book, new industry, or new
city, challenge yourself to diversify your experiences. They will not only
enrich your life but also help you identify with the multitudes of people
you’ll meet and work with in the years to come.
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